Our Story




I'm Tracey and Enamelhappy is mine!


So..........how did I end up with a business like Enamelhappy? 

Well, I really believe that through past experience anything is possible if you are willing to work for it, give something a go...... and I even produced this whole website myself bit slowly by bit.

A while ago I was looking for an "old fashioned" "tin" cup, my very own one that I LOVED.  This was to use in the garden and at my allotment with my little camping stove and whistling kettle.

I just couldn't find anything I liked and settled for something "boring" and "typical.' I wanted a pretty one, that would also look lovely too on my kitchen shelf indoors and these didn't seem to exist.

It wasn't until a while later that I was thinking i'd like a new challenge. I didn't want to give up my job as a nurse but felt as I'm part time I could do something else.

I have always loved the simple retro flower shapes, and with the help of young local graphic designer and my wonderfully supportive work colleagues for market research my idea came to life!

I adore the colours and can't wait to bring you more products, I've got so many exciting ideas.

I am absolutely so pleased with the result

I hope you enjoy them


Tracey x